
CampFire Chats: Our Favorite Fonts

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Everyone has a favorite font, here are some of ours.

Every creative has their favorite fonts, and sometimes we have so many that we can’t pick just one. Today, we’ve decided to have a little fun and share some of the Camper’s favorite fonts with you!

Haley McCloskey – Director at CampFire

Favorite Fonts: Adobe Alkaline, Shegisha, Wilden, Radnick, Gotham

I have a super soft spot for anything retro. The fresh yet vintage appeal of Adobe Alkaline and Shegisha speaks worlds to me. I also appreciate handwritten fonts that showcase beauty and individuality with choices like Wilden and Radnick. I’m a sucker for anything that looks like it could be printed on the back of a National Park t-shirt. But what about my go to font? Nothing beats Gotham.

James Wilson – Social Content Creator 

Favorite Fonts: Helvetica Neue Bold (all caps), Poppins, Interstate Condensed, Gobold 

I love fonts that reflect my personality! From the timeless elegance of Helvetica Neue Bold to the crisp simplicity of Poppins and the energetic, NASCAR-inspired vibe of Gobold (I seriously love NASCAR). I basically have a font for every mood. And let’s not forget, Helvetica gives off a Beyonce Lemonade album vibe. Love me some Beyonce.

Anthony Garcia – Creative Coordinator

Favorite Fonts: Alte Haas Grotesk, BN Lemonz

Currently, my favorite font is Alte Haas Grotesk, it’s clear, clean, and aesthetic. I also like using BN Lemonz whenever I get the chance to. It captures that nostalgic 90’s magazine vibe that I absolutely love.

Santiago Cano – Account Manager

Favorite Fonts: Poppins, Pacifico

My font choice varies depending on the environment I’m in. I’m into Poppins when I’m in the office, but switch it up to the beachy vibes of Pacifico when I’m OOO. It’s all about setting the right mood!

And there you have it! Fonts play a crucial role in setting the tone for your brand. Next time you’re selecting a font for your project, take a moment to think about the feelings you want to convey.

Happy Camping! 🏕️